Next TBD Reading August 14 at Tracy Aviary


By Sam Wessels and Kelsie Jepsen

Tuesday, August 14 
Chase Mill at the Tracy Aviary

One time there was this girl named Kelsie Jepsen, and she was a total star, with tons of funny stories.  So her really talented writer friend Sam Wessels, was all, “Kelsie, why don’t we write a play about your life?!  Isn’t your family pretty wacky too?”  And Kelsie was all, “Thank you, I know!” And thus the play was born!  For our summer TBD Reading Series, join Kelsie and Sam as they explore the annals of Kelsie’s ultra-Mormon upbringing.  Venture through her mother’s bipolar episodes, her father’s workaholic reclusiveness, and her siblings’ constant death threats.
Kelsie Jepsen
Sam Wessels
Jeanette Puhich-Foulger
Steven Fehr
Jacob Johnson
Shannon Musgrave
Directed by Robin Wilks-Dunn