By Sam Wessels and Kelsie Jepsen
Tuesday, August 14
Chase Mill at the Tracy Aviary
One time there was this girl named Kelsie Jepsen, and she was a total star, with tons of funny stories. So her really talented writer friend Sam Wessels, was all, “Kelsie, why don’t we write a play about your life?! Isn’t your family pretty wacky too?” And Kelsie was all, “Thank you, I know!” And thus the play was born! For our summer TBD Reading Series, join Kelsie and Sam as they explore the annals of Kelsie’s ultra-Mormon upbringing. Venture through her mother’s bipolar episodes, her father’s workaholic reclusiveness, and her siblings’ constant death threats.
Kelsie Jepsen
Sam Wessels
Jeanette Puhich-Foulger
Steven Fehr
Jacob Johnson
Shannon Musgrave
Directed by Robin Wilks-Dunn